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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

4th Class

29th Sep 2021

Athletics – Shot Put

The children enjoyed learning the technique of throwing the shot put. After a thorough demonstration by Paddy, each child was given the opportunity of throwing a 4kg shot put. The challenge was set who could throw the furthest. The eventual winner was Ryan, who threw an impressive distance, longer than a 5 m measuring tape.

Well done Ryan.

Maths in Sept

4th class have covered and revised lots of number operations this month and we are well on our way in our maths books. Last week we covered the topic of data.

The children learned about collecting and organising data, presenting it in pictograms, taking and recording tallies and drawing bar charts. Using this information, they then problem solved.

Great work children on data and its presentation.


The children have been busy learning to record their own sounds and drawing their own graphics to correspond to them. Of course, the first task was to train our ears to the various sounds in our immediate environment. Silence was golden in our classroom!

Class Novel

For the month of September, the children have been listening to the very entertaining writings of Roald Dahl. We have been reading the novel “The Magic Finger”.

We have been enthralled by the imaginative and creative characters brought to life by Roald Dahl. We will look forward to more enjoyable novels as the school year goes on.


Friendships and fun are very important for all children and playtime provides for this. Thankfully the weather has proved favourable for us on the school yard.

Well done to all the children on a very successful September in the 3rd and 4th class classroom.