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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

A Busy Week with 3rd and 4th

22nd Nov 2023
It's been a busy week in the 3rd and 4th classroom.
The children have been learning about sound in science. We conducted some experiments to investigate how sound travels and why the pitch of a sound can vary. Thank you to Liam, Donal, Hettie and Kai for helping to demonstrate our experiments.
In maths, 3rd class children have been working on division. In our group work, we used our coloured sticks and cubes to consolidate our learning.

In S.P.H.E, we have spent a lot of time discussing kindness and it's importance in all  our lives. Small acts of kindness can really make a difference to somebody's day.
Finally, there was great excitement when we paid a visit to the Book Fair and well done to all the children who are making a huge effort with our Xmas Play.
Keep up the good work, enjoy your day off on  Friday and most importantly enjoy the
Late Late Toy Show. 😊