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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Home School Hub: 1st-5th February

18th Jan 2021

NEW Home School Hub 10am
Múinteoir Ray is teaching us science this morning as we learn all about light and how it is important in our everyday life.
Múinteoir John has a furry special guest in today’s English class as he introduces us to persuasive writing. Dogs rule OK!
And we will be singing along with Múinteoir Clíona as she plays “The Name Game” in today’s music class.
It’s all bananas in today’s Exercise with Emer with Múinteoir Emer.
Home School Hub 11am
We are going to explore how poets communicate with us in their writing by using comparisons or similes in English. Múinteoir Ray sings us a beautiful song to illustrate the lesson.

In visual art class with Múinteoir John, we learn about how the Native Americans used dreamcatchers – and we get to build our own.
In Geography, Múinteoir Cliona teaches us about how the sun affects our seasons.

NEW Home School Hub 10am
Grab a bucket and a stick as we’ll be learning how to make music and keep a beat in music class with Múinteoir Ray.

Múinteoir John is being a bit dramatic. But this drama class looks at how the way you walk can tell a lot about how you are feeling.

And in Múinteoir Clíona’s Geography class, we will be learning about the planets in our Solar System and try to make making our own model of it!

Múinteoir Emer will has our heart rate up in today’s Exercise with Emer and she’ll be telling us how exercise can help us even when we are tired.

Home School Hub 11am
In science class with Múinteoir Ray, we learn how design and engineering is all about ideas. We design and build our own crisp protector!

In Gaeilge we learn all about the telifís with Múinteoir John.

And in history Múinteoir Clíona will to be reading a mythological story and teaching us all about myth and folklore.

NEW Home School Hub 10am
Múinteoir Ray will be teaching us some reading this morning in English class.

We’ll be learning all about the North and South Poles in Múinteoir John’s Geography class.

Múinteoir Clíona will be teaching us all about tessellations in today’s Maths class.
We’ll also be learning all about Nutrients in our diet as we get up and active with Múinteoir Emer.

Home School Hub 11am
Múinteoir Ray will be teaching us all about coordination by getting us moving with some indoor ball skills, drumming and even making our own hip-hop beatbox!

In English with Múinteoir John, we learn how we use procedural writing to complete specific tasks such as recipes, directions and science experiments.

And in Múinteoir Clíona’s maths class, today we will explore the relationship between time, distance and average speed.

NEW Home School Hub 10am
Múinteoir Ray will be introducing us to the world of improv first thing this morning in today’s drama class. It’s just making things up on the spot!
Can a potato really make electricity? Múinteoir John is going to find out in today’s geography class.
Beimid ag foghlaim faoi ainmhithe an Earraigh i rang Gaeilge leis an Múinteoir Clíona.

Múinteoir Emer will be giving us tips on how to keep our teeth sparkling in today’s Exercise with Emer and Dr Niamh Shaw is back telling us all about the Red Planet Mars in today’s Space Hub!
Home School Hub 11am
Múinteoir Ray is here with a music class. We are going to listen to some traditional songs, and we are all going to sing along together!

In Múinteoir John’s Geography lesson we learn all about the counties in Connacht.

And Múinteoir Clíona is going to look at some of the grammar rules in the English language.

NEW Home School Hub 10am
Múinteoir Ray is teaching us how rain, thunder and lighting all happen in today’s Geography class.

Múinteoir John is talking all things Gold – from Ancient Egypt to Ireland in today’s History class.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, Múinteoir Clíona will be showing us how to make our own Valentine’s Day cards.

Múinteoir Emer will be teaching us the importance of sleep in Active Hub.
Home School Hub 11am
Today we will learn all about all about spatial awareness and about direction in Múinteoir Ray’s Maths class.

In Muinteoir John’s History class, he will be introducing us to the story of Gráinne Mhaol and her eventful life on the seas.

Múinteoir Clíona’s SPHE class we will be teaching us about the types and causes of diabetes.