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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Marvellous May

24th May 2021

Another month of hard work and fun is over! Some of the activities we have done this month ,aside form our usual curriculum, are creative schools week, gardening, The Vets, water play and learning to play Rounders.

For Creative Schools week each pod decided on a traditional fairy tale. Then each person in the pod designed their character as a puppet from the story. The next day we started making our puppets using lollipop sticks, cardboard cutouts and scraps of material. It got messy. Over the next 2 days we finished off the puppets. Finally on the Friday we used our puppets to act out the stories. They were all super and the retelling of the stories was excellent!

We also made some swans after listening to the story of the Children of Lir, we used buttons and feathers and were really pleased with how they turned out.

We also enjoyed working on a theme of The Vets – we had lots of chats about animals and pets and enjoyed hearing about all the pets children have at home. Each morning we did a different activity to help us learn more about it. We all had fun “being” vets…

Our plants are growing really well – we had to replant some of them today as they are getting too big for their pots!

These are the spinach and peas. Each week we look at the plants to see who is the start grower this week so far, Lily, Samantha, Paschal and Adam have been our start growers – but since the sunny weather has started the plants are really taking off now! The children will bring them home soon – that will be dinner sorted!