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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Meet Almergin Glúingel....

15th Mar 2023

Meet Amergin Glúingel!

Meet Amergin Glúingel, a male grey seal, who was found on Goat Island, Co. Waterford on the 19th of January 2023. Little Amergin was reported to us via our 24/7 Rescue Hotline, after a member of the public spotted him all alone on the beach.   

We started calling members of our amazing Rescue Volunteer Network, asking them to assess and possibly lift this pup. After a monitoring period, it was clear that he was injured as well as underweight and our Animal Care Team gave the instruction to lift the pup. Our volunteers safely lifted and transported Amergin all the way to our rehabilitation centre in Courtown, Co. Wexford, where our experienced Animal Care Team were ready to get to work. 

After a short journey, Amergin was admitted to our Intensive Care Unit where he was examined from nose to tail by our skilled Animal Care Team. Amergin was rescued when he was likely between 3 and 4 months old. His initial examination found that he was underweight at only 18.4kg, less than half the size of a healthy seal his age. He was also missing a nail on his right front flipper that had left an open wound that needed treatment. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, Amergin was now able to sleep and regain his strength in safety. We are happy to report that his wound is beginning to heal and he has started to gain weight.

Each season we have a new naming theme for our pups! This season we are naming our rescued seal pups after Irish Myths and Legends.

Amergin Glúingel was a bard, druid and judge for the Milesians in the Irish Mythological Cycle. Amergin was one of the seven sons of Míl, who led an invasion and became the final race to settle in Ireland.