Access Keys:

St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Museum Report

22nd Feb 2023

  Museum of Country Life By Eimear


On Tuesday the 21st of February 3rd 4th 5th and 6th went to a museum. The museum of country life Castlebar Co. Mayo.

The museum had lots of old things such as old clothes,  old things that would have been in a kitchen and tools a black smith would have used.3rd and 4th tour guide was called Carol. Carol brought us outside first and talked about who owned the land and were they in the olden days where the people planted their potatoes .


Next we went into the Fitzgeralds house they were very rich people ,when we went in Carol ,showed us the stairs and their windows. We went into their library they had a secret door into their dinning room she should us were the sat and were they said their prayers.


After that we went into the museum we were allowed to try on clothes next she showed us statues dressed up in old clothes and told us that they thought there were fairies trying to kidnap their children . Carol showed us the tonges to bring in the turf. 


 Then we went downstairs and she showed us what would have been in a kitchen in the olden days there was a kettle  that would have been above the fire. And they didn’t usually have seats but if they had seats they were very low.


Finally she showed us St Bridges crosses ,conkers and taylors who made the clothes  who sewed.

When we  were finished we went to the play ground.