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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Newsletter 15th February 2023

15th Feb 2023

Enrolment/Open Day: We are having an Enrolment/Open Day on Friday March 3rd between 12pm and 2pm. We will be advertising this locally but please spread the word to anybody enrolling (or anyone thinking about enrolling) for September to drop in and see the school. More details to follow closer to the day.

Bake Sale: The Parents’ Association Bake Sale was a huge success. Thank you so much for supporting it. We will be investing in more new sports equipment very soon. See how much they raised and some photos from the day HERE ON THE PA’S PAGE.

Valentine’s Day: The children celebrated Valentine’s Day yesterday. CHECK OUT SOME PHOTOS HERE.

Museum of Country Life: 3rd to 6th are visiting Castlebar on Tuesday. Please give your permission through the Aladdin App.

Coláiste Muire Ballymote Activity Day: A reminder to all in 6th class who have enrolled in Coláiste Muire of their activity day on Tuesday 7th March: 9.10am to 3.15pm.

Second Aldi Rugby Poster Completed: See here for a picture of our second completed poster. We are only entering 2 posters and we won’t be collecting any more stickers this year. Thanks so much for your support. We will be getting free rugby equipment in May and fingers crossed we win the €50k!

Band practice: The band started marching on Tuesday so you may have spotted us out on the road. The children behaved brilliantly and sounded great. We ask that extra effort is put in on the music over the midterm break and next few weeks.

Tracksuit days: A reminder that tracksuit days are now Wednesday to Friday and uniform days are Monday and Tuesday. This will change at times for different classes depending on what sports activities are going on in the school.

World Book Day MARCH 2ND Reminder: Click here for more info.