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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Newsletter 21/12/2022

21st Dec 2022

Christmas Shows: Please click here to see our wonderful Christmas Shows. Thank you so much for coming along. A huge well done to all the children who did themselves and their families very proud.

Santa Visit: Santa visited today on a MOTORBIKE, complete with Christmas lights and music! Good man Santa! Please check out some pictures here!

Parents’ Association: The raffle was a huge success and raised €720 which the PA are so grateful for. They can’t wait to get cracking at more events in the new year. This money will cover some setting up costs for the new PA (e.g. insurance) and the remainder will be spent on resources for your child. Please see the raffle winners here.

SVP Christmas Jumper Day: You raised €140 for the Saint Vincent de Paul and Michelle sent the cheque today. Thank you for supporting this worthy cause. 

Finally, thanks again to all children, parents and staff for being so supportive since I took over as principal. I sincerely hope that you all have a mighty Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Aodán Brennan.

School Principal.