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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

October in 3rd and 4th 2021

11th Oct 2021

Science Experiments: Materials

The children enjoyed 2 experiments to learn more about materials.

The first experiment was to observe which material mixed with water; we observed that the oil didn’t mix with the water. We enjoyed smelling the coffee mix too!

Next we tried to make invisible coke… What do you think? Would you taste this coke?

We mixed milk and coke to try and make the coke change to a transparent liquid.

Art in October

We started our october art with some finger painting, look at our pumpkins!

The children collected a selection of autumn leaves and we printed our leaves. Then we cut out the prints and designed our pictures. Amazing to see such different pictures using the same materials. Fantastic!

Internet Safety

The children really enjoyed the Internet Safety talk by Ger Brick, it was great to see them engage so well on this topic. They listened so well to Ger and he was very impressed by their knowledge! Check out our inspiring posters…

Maths Week

Finally we ended the term with Maths Week and we were one of over 500 schools to join in a live maths quiz on zoom. There was some great debates about estimation, guessing, measuring, adding and seeing that sometimes there might be a few different answers! It was a great opportunity for the children in 3rd and 4th to put their maths skills into practice and have fun. Well done.

Here is a game that the children learned this week:

First to 50 (with a twist!)- Don’t roll a 1

  1. Players take turns with a dice.
  2. If a roll is a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, the player adds that many points to their score for the turn.
  3. A player may choose to end their turn at any time and “bank” their points.
  4. If a player rolls a 1, they lose all their unbanked points and their turn is over.

Have a safe Hallowe’en!

Thank you from Ms. Donnelly and Ms. Shannon