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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Sept Highlights in 3rd and 4th

30th Sep 2021

Welcome Back Everyone

A big welcome back to all the children in 3rd and 4th class and well done on settling so well back into school routine after the long summer holidays. What a busy, productive and enjoyable month we have had! Here are some highlights:

First Holy Communion

Huge congratulations are sent to the children in 3rd class who celebrated their First Confession and First Holy Communion recently. They were two very special and memorable occasions in the lives of the children and their families.

Rory Best

The children had the opportunity on Sept 14th to see the former Ireland Rugby captain Rory Best pass the school on his fundraising walk. We all cheered and wished him well on his journey.

Supervalu Athletics Day

On Tuesday Sept 28th, the children participated in the Supervalu Athletics initiative. Paddy our instructor for the day guided the children in various athletics disciplines including timed individual races, relay races and throwing the shotput.

Well done to Rebecca, Niamh, Zoe, Ryan, Grace, Dylan, Lorcan, Leon, Hannah, Jake, Jack and Eimear. We have some very talented athletes in our classroom!

A very enjoyable day.