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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

St. Valentine, Poetry and Ipads

16th Feb 2025
In preparation for St.Valentines Day, the children made some bright and beautifully decorated cards and we all discussed what love meant to us using our senses.
We heard love was the sight of flowers or an early sunrise. We can hear love in the sound of birdsong or music and we can smell love in freshly cut grass or our favourite dinners! 🥰
Bláithín and Ciara read out their poems for Valentine's Day and what talented poets they are!
Well done girls.☺️👏

To finish our Maths work on time, we discussed word problems. We used our maths language to figure out the answers even though some of us used different methods.
We also spent time on the iPads revising our tables for accuracy.
Super work this week children. ☺️