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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

The Junior Room.

24th Nov 2024
This week the junior and senior infants were investigating length in maths , they enjoyed lots of activities measuring and comparing. First class worked on data. The children collected data on the colour of coats and made a block graph to show this. They also made a block graph of the types of sweets in a mini packet of Haribo and well they couldn't let them go to waste could they...? 
We have been thinking about what makes a good friend- some ideas we came up with was listening to each other, sharing and letting people join our games. The children made posters to show their ideas.
In Science we have continued working on sound. We investigated how to make low and high sounds with our voices and then with percussion instruments, it was fun!
In history we continued learning about old toys - we all had a go of an old game trying to catch the wooden ball in the wooden cup. It was tricky!! No one was injured 😂
In art we made some traditional decorations from orange slices and cloves - we enjoyed making them and they smell very nice.