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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Working towards our Green Flag.

15th Mar 2021

As a school we are working hard to acheive our next Green Flag for Energy and Global citizenship. As we have been remote learning for some of this time it has been a good opportunity to see about saving energy at home. Even though our time in the school building has been interrupted in the 2 years it has afforded more links with home than we might usually get with our Green School work.

The Junior and Senior Infants were working on the story of Fairtrade chocolate we watched a few videos like this on YouTube and acted out being cocoa farmers/traders/exporters etc. We had lots of discussions about the importance of Fairtrade and then we had a look at some of the bars of chocolate we ate and found lots of wrappers with the Fairtrade symbol on. If we all switch to eating Fairtrade chocolate we can make a difference to people in other countries and be a good Global Citizen. Some of our work can be found on our padlet here:  Keep checking back as we add to it!

1st and 2nd class looked at saving energy and energy chains. Their work can be found on the padlet here:

3rd and 4th class were also looking at saving energy at home and how energy is wated. The children came up with some great ideas on how to prevent or at least limit wastage. You can see their work here:

5th and 6th class had some tips for saving energy and looked at different types of power that could help prevent climate change. Their work can be found here:

Lots of children produced posters – and they were absolutely fantastic! Have a look at them here:

Again keep checking back as I am adding more as I get them.

Well done to all the children for working so hard at home and showing such great interest in our Green Schools work.