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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland


9th Feb 2024
The Award winners at this Weeks assembly won a trip to Hawaii.🤣🤣🤣 
6th Feb 2024
Top ten tips from 3rd and 4th class on how to stay safe online! 
6th Feb 2024
Today we discussed Internet safety and how to be safe online as well as the need...
6th Feb 2024
The Green schools committee wish to extend our thanks to Cllr Dara Mulvey for raising...
2nd Feb 2024
Safer Internet Day (SID) is on 6th February 2024. It is an EU wide initiative to...
1st Feb 2024
The children have painted their coil pots and also created some beautiful clay hearts....
1st Feb 2024
We enjoyed programming the beebots and trying to make them follow a path. It was...
1st Feb 2024
Happy St Brigid's day! We were busy making crosses and learning about St Brigid this...
1st Feb 2024
Today was very exciting as Ocean FM came to the school to interview the Green School...
1st Feb 2024
Please find attached some useful websites as we are learning about time in school.