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St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland

News - 5th & 6th Class

6th Jun 2024
A great day at zipit in Lough Key yesterday.
12th Apr 2024
Now that our school has won over 200 books from children’s books Ireland, Ms...
12th Apr 2024
Today 5th and 6th played football with Ms Cryan. They had a blast!!!
22nd Feb 2024
This week’s assembly award winners got a trip to Paris.🤣🥖🇫🇷🤣
21st Feb 2024
5th and 6th have made some lovely art. They took photos of themselves, answered a...
9th Feb 2024
5th and 6th have been working hard at their Valentine’s Day artwork. They are...
26th Jan 2024
5th and 6th Class have been learning about the Titanic in History. Take a look at...
17th Jan 2024
8th Dec 2023
As the weather is getting cooler, we had a great idea to warm up with tea and toast!...